Aging Gracefully

Who is this little old lady?
I am ever so slowly coming to terms with aging. I am astounded that I am this old. When my college friends' Face Book pages say they are retired, I wonder, how is it they've become old enough to retire? When did this happen? Where did the time go?

I have a tendency to think in terms of all or nothing. When my knee was hurting, feeling swollen and stiff, I couldn't wear my cute shoes for some weeks. I went out and bought flat shoes (looking for cute ones of course and they are hard to find), I felt that I would never in this life be able to wear my cool wedgies again. After 3 weeks of rest and ice, I see that I will be able to wear them again, this time being mindful of the time limit on them and the pitch of the shoe. I hurt my knee because I had gone 4 hours past the time limit on those cuties.

My back hurts when we travel (OK really just most of the time). I have two bum shoulders. I bought a rolling tote bag that fits under the airplane seat. Now I glide to the gate with ease, nearly hands free, my purse and travel necessities rolling beside me. The rolling tote came in handy for Christmas shopping, too!

One friend in her early 50s is experiencing aches and pains and going to this doctor and that, getting physical therapy and massages and such. She said her husband, who is older, told her he has the same aches and pains, probably worse, but he just doesn't talk about it. I try to be like that. Uncomplaining. This is a challenge for me.

What I'm discovering is that it takes waaaaay longer for injuries to heal, and some pain I will just have to live with. My grandmother told me when I was a kid as I watched her work in the garden, "You've got to use it or lose it." I understand now. I have to give my old body time to warm up before I get too active. You know, like making the bed!

I take some small comfort in the fact that everyone I know has a laundry list of ailments. We could compare all day long. But what's the use?


  1. Sounds so familiar, Necie. Someone asked today how I was, and I just replied, that I'm fine..some aches and pains but I'll be ok. Pain from injuries don't seem to ever heal completely. You just get used to them. But on the other hand, I don't complain, since I have much more to be thankful for than I could complain about. However, I've never asked others how they deal with this and that ache and pain, especially the back. Maybe I should do that instead of letting the doctor just send me home with more meds. Alice S. G...

  2. Yes, Alice, the doctors love to prescribe pills and push you out the door because "at your age" they say, it is to be expected. I take Tylenol extra strength everyday and a million other vitamins. Sheesh!

  3. The good news is that you have soooo many people who can relate. We have to use our heads to stay in the race just like the tortoise.

  4. So true. Baby Boomers are a huge group. We are not going out quietly!


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