Stargazing: Day Two

Selfie on the Roof
 Day two of stargazing the Perseid Meteor Shower was amazing! This time I saw dozens of meteor chunks blazing across the sky. I was on the roof from 2:00am until 4:30am this time. Two and a half hours of bliss before the clouds took over.

I was more prepared this time. Leaving the binoculars behind and wearing an extra layer of clothing. Using my back pillow from the car. Even with the pillows from the patio, I needed more back support.  I think I'll need one more layer for tonight. It gets misty on the roof as you can see in my photos I have an aura. Cool, huh? I'll turn off the flash on the camera tonight and see if I can get better shots of the sky.

I got a little sleepy up there this time. Since there were long periods between sightings I rested my eyes in between.  I soon learned the pattern of the streaking chunks. Hope I didn't miss too much.  I drifted off just a little bit, but I didn't want to get too relaxed up there. Even though no critters have bothered me, why take the chance?

Check out my aura!
Between sightings I had plenty time to contemplate the meaning of life. I came up with: We are here to witness God's miracles. I was looking at one right then. I quietly ooooo'd and aaaaaaahhh'd and thanked God. It was like a silent fireworks show. I love fireworks. Again it was really quiet up there on the roof. So quiet in fact I could hear our neighbor open and close a door during the night. I tried not to assume someone was making a bathroom trip.

Anyway, the dozens of meteors I saw last night, or rather this morning, were pretty small and fast. Sometimes I could only see them out of the corner of my eye. But there were two exceptional ones that were right in my line of sight. Right in my face with their massive size and lingering tail. I was very happy. Lying on the roof grinning from ear to ear. Oh, yeah, Tucker, this time I remembered to make a wish. I made a lot of wishes. Why not?

I said I'd kind of figured out their schedule, but not really. As soon I thought I had their pattern down pat, two swooshed by one after the other. Wooohooo! Every time I thought about calling it a night another one would fly by! I was determined to stay up there as long as I could. But then the clouds came and it was time to pack it in.

All the while I was going back and forth about whether I would watch again tonight. But just in case the last night is the best night, I'm going to be there!

See you in the morning!


  1. That was awesome reporting! Love the pictures too, really gives a feeling for what it was like up on the roof. You've really experienced God's universe.

    1. Thank DawgNap, for reading and commenting on so many posts! I appreciate you.


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