The Sick and the Shut In
That's what it was called in my church when I grew up. You know, when the church announcement lady makes her report. She lists who is sick and shut in and in need of prayers and a visit from the pastor.
Well right now the hubby is on the sick and shut in list after his hernia outpatient surgery. We've been married a while and have had a few surgeries between us, so I don't get worried and twisted out of shape. I have faith that all will be well. We have friends and family who keep us lifted in prayer and who also are literally there for us.
Today once Earl was wheeled off to the operating room, I headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. As I started toward the cafeteria, here comes our friend Skeeter to sit with me. We had breakfast and swapped stories, I now know why he's called Skeeter. But that's his story to tell! Chatting with my brother made the surgery time fly by. And again I felt no fear.
Now we're home and my Boo is enjoying the benefits of his pain meds, nodding out in his favorite chair as his 60" TV watches him. He's so cute when he's medicated!
Oh yeah I do remember the list of the sick and shut in. LOL